Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crazylorrr.... and ooo its d 100th post!

This past 7 days could be summed up in one word : CRAZY.

Assignment crazy that is. Having 3 datelines whihc were 2 days apart from each other was just no breeze in the park. I practically slept in the morning...("earliest" was 8am), and walked around like a zombie the entire week. My mind was so blank, that one of the dateline days, I went to the wrong library to return books...and pressed level 3 on the lift when I was already at
level 3! See what assignments could do to humans...

Anyway, finally submitted my finance assignment yesterday... which was only after many hours of staring blankly at the questions, not understanding a single question being asked. Am sooooo relived that it's finally done and gao dimmed with... after finals, I won't have to touch Finance ever again~! its jz bad that i'm bad at it =/ Now there's an advertising assignment due next Fri, then finals, and 6 weeks of holss!! =DD

With that said, did many enjoyable things to have a mini post-horrid week celebration. Went to watch Sell-Out in the morning with Zheng Ling, Jian Xuan and Carrie.

One of the movie's most hilarios scenes x)

(PostBlog: i've no idea why the words below are centralized, can't seem to fix it..=/)

It's a local show... one of the few that I would go to a cinema and watch. Feeling the itch of watching a movie, we chose to watch Sell Out after skipping some funny titles like Power Kids and the like. We went in without any expectations, having not read any sypnosis.., and the movie was just.... unexpected!

It was everything a typical movie isn't, makes fun of the mundanity of life.. (if there's such a word) and has many sudden unexpected moments! One of them is recognizing a familiar face in it! =P The main message of the movie was I guess, money & fame, and to what extend people take just to achieve them. But it was so comical la.. even in supposedly serious scenes... The actors would suddenly break out into singing dramatically, and there are scenes which are just plain weird..which made it all the more funny! I think I was laughing too much till the entire cinema (only2 rows of ppl lol) was most likely annoyed by me kaka.. All in all, its definitely a must watch !! (Plus the main actor is cutee!!!! =P)

Oooo on a side note.. I was surfing Youtube today.. and they have this new "Spotlight: Music Tuesday" coloumn/box on the front page. And featured was Zee Avi, (whom I've never heard of), who happens to be a Malaysian, and her music blew me away!! My, I was so inspired just listening to her songs... 23, and found by a recording label man who was youtube scouting, and now in LA recording and performing in shows! How come Malaysia has not heard of her??? If you enjoy relaxing and catchy jazz tunes... you should definitely check her out at
A montage of her songs live :

Also, went for Worship Central's event at DUMC tonight. Tim Hughes and Al Gordon worship led, and shared with us on passion and worship. I've never heard Al's songs before, am listening to his cd which we jz bought, and he's pretty good! The event was pretty good, they covered more on the spritual prep side on worship, and not the technical parts..which was still fine for me. And I finally got to try out the food at the cafe! An. Irene the owner, used to manage OMF in Cameron where we went twice as kids.. My family adoredddd all the lovely delicacies and meals she prepared for us there, and wanted to come n "visitvisit" after knowing she's now here. However Wei-Li and I didn't go up to we guess she most probably can't remember us....(1o years ago wei..), maybe next time went we come with our parents. And the scones were yummy! =)

Some pics of the night:

Beautiful stage.

The church members who went : An Lily, An Jenny, Rebecca and Lester! =)

I, Li and Joanna! -who's back from T-shirt stated college =) (missing a B)

After the event, we weree hungryyy.. so went to SS2's KTZ for suppperrrr!

Yummmyy yummyy noodlessss....
Food pic review continues...=p

The must have Mango Loh! The most perfect dessert on earth x) And something Lester ordered.. The Icy Frutti or something... Very refreshing and yummy! =)

Ahh....wat a long post to sum up a day's activities. Hope whoever's reading didn't fall asleep halfway thru =P Really, a very mmuch needed relaxation after all the stressful sleep(less) nights. Next activity : Jusco Member's Day Sale, One Utama on Thursday. Ready to battle the fierce shoppers! ;)

Offa to bed, toodles~!

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