My 3 months of holidays have unfortunately come to an end. These 3 months gave me the opportunity to see what working life is all about... from the physical and strenuous labor of the first month to the more relaxing and welcoming office environment in the later two.
I don't think I've blogged this b4 but.. while searching for a job for this seemingly super long holiday, I stumbled upon Company #1 in a career fair. I kept asking God to give me the peace if it was the right job.. but peace given..And despite the constant disagreeing feedbacks I got from ppl bout the job, and the uneasiness I felt all along.. I took up the job. And of know the consequences of disobedience la.. The job became too physically challenging, and the working environment was so tensed with meeting datelines, (which means climbing more flats), and the idea of making money for every survey i complete made me so money conscious..and i didn't like the constant pressure it tataaa to d company =)
Now, the 2nd job came unexpectantly. My dad was sharing to others bout how challenging my then current job was..and a church member mentioned bout a temp vacancy in her company.. and what more, it has something to do with marketing! =) So after some praying and thinking.. I went for d interview and got d job! And certainly these 2 months there have been really great.
The people there are really really nice.. And my boss knowing I'm a student, was very thoughtful in letting me dabble in whatever I could...doing ads, writing exec summs, invitation letters etc. And there was oss CASUAL FRIDAYS which i loveeeddd!!! =DD Despite my eyes getting SMALLER from d constant computer staring and gaining some sitting weight, I cud say I really had a great time there =)
I don't think I've blogged this b4 but.. while searching for a job for this seemingly super long holiday, I stumbled upon Company #1 in a career fair. I kept asking God to give me the peace if it was the right job.. but peace given..And despite the constant disagreeing feedbacks I got from ppl bout the job, and the uneasiness I felt all along.. I took up the job. And of know the consequences of disobedience la.. The job became too physically challenging, and the working environment was so tensed with meeting datelines, (which means climbing more flats), and the idea of making money for every survey i complete made me so money conscious..and i didn't like the constant pressure it tataaa to d company =)
Now, the 2nd job came unexpectantly. My dad was sharing to others bout how challenging my then current job was..and a church member mentioned bout a temp vacancy in her company.. and what more, it has something to do with marketing! =) So after some praying and thinking.. I went for d interview and got d job! And certainly these 2 months there have been really great.
The people there are really really nice.. And my boss knowing I'm a student, was very thoughtful in letting me dabble in whatever I could...doing ads, writing exec summs, invitation letters etc. And there was oss CASUAL FRIDAYS which i loveeeddd!!! =DD Despite my eyes getting SMALLER from d constant computer staring and gaining some sitting weight, I cud say I really had a great time there =)
Some pics taken over d 2 months:
Desk neighbours - Nick n I
Luncho muncho A good way to get rid of excess syillings =P
Farewell lunch: " I wanna thank my dad, my mum..."
And some pics taken on the last day:
My last cup of coffee =/
No more house building for me
Mariam n I
Auf Wiedersehen!!
A chapter of "Working Life" is closed least for d next 2 years. Time to resume my role as a full time student =)
Haha Auf wiedersehen in German WOW !! haha so happy last day of work ....haha u sit and print only leh XD !!
hahaa, i do more than that k =P
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